
Have you ever wondered how some charities attract millions of dollars in fundraising donations while others struggle?
People love experiences, even when they are donating to a cause they are passionate about.

By combining a good cause with a great experience you are stacking all the odds in your favour.

We can create a motoring event for your charity that will tick all the boxes – Great Adventures, Great Friendships, and Great Fundraising.


Total funds raised so far - over $3 million (and still going strong).


About Us

A Brilliant Event

The 2014 Three Day Dirt Driving Trek that you organised for ChildFund Australia was incredible. Thank you so much. The event raised far more than we had expected which means even more children in Cambodia will soon have clean water at school. Hugely successful events like this do not happen without extremely passionate individuals, like you, driving registrations. Thank you for devoting so much time on the logistics, marketing and a brilliant event.

Rachel Murphy
Community Fundraising Manager | ChildFund Australia

Beyond Bitumen Car Rally | Proudly supporting Beyond Blue

Rachel Murphy
Community Fundraising Manager | ChildFund Australia

The 2014 Three Day Dirt Driving Trek that you organised for ChildFund Australia was incredible. Thank you so much. The event raised far more than we had expected which means even more children in Cambodia will soon have clean water at school. Hugely successful events like this do not happen without extremely passionate individuals, like you, driving registrations. Thank you for devoting so much time on the logistics, marketing and a brilliant event.
Beyond Bitumen Car Rally | Proudly supporting Beyond Blue

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